Saturday, May 9, 2009

Are you an Oprah Follower On Twitter?

Ellen follows Oprah--she moved into her neighborhood, for goodness sake! Do you follow Oprah--on Twitter?

In the comments below please tell me why you DO or DO NOT follow Oprah! :)


Sofia said...

I'm an Oprah fan. I don't follow Oprah on Twitter because she doesn't reciprocate. That doesn't fit with what I'm doing on Twitter.

Sofia said...

sundaycosmetics @SofiaMiller NO! I hope Oprah STAYS on tv.

Sofia said...

mellierosey @SofiaMiller I don't follow her mainly cuz it felt like more of a publicity stunt than a genuine desire to participate...

Amalaya said...

Nope do not folow celebrities in general. There is enough of them in the media to satisfy curiosity and the likes...

Rex Halbeisen said...

@analytixman Nope, dont follow any of the celebritity hacks. They only get on Twitter to push their noise and not contributing to the community. Keep Twitter whole.