Sunday, May 17, 2009

Natural Pet Care

Does anyone have a photograph of their pet you'd like to share with me here?

This is a picture of Jennie's dog. He is 7 with the energy and hyperactivity of a puppy! He has allergies, poor dear and gets shots to control them.

Jennie is the first person to introduce me to Halo Pet Food, thhe company tha Ellen Degneres recently gained co-ownership of.

Have you ever used Halo Pet Food? Or any other "natural care product" for your pet? Thanks for sharing your pet picture and experience and thoughts about such products.

thepurebananaHello! I just wanted to let you know I saw your mention about the Halo pet food and I literally just bought a sample. Right up my alley!


Scarlet Newton said...

Jennie's puppy is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing his pic. I also have a German Shepherd and he has horrible allergies too.