Monday, June 1, 2009

Wake Up Productive

6 Step Morning Routine

  1. Wake Up and Feel Good Invision Future Me
  2. Drink about 2c/500ml water
  3. Get Up and Tidy Space
  4. Brush Teeth & Wash Up
  5. Exercise
  6. Plan Day then Take Action
How to Structure your Day
40% Lead Generation ~Putting leads in front of Products (Driving Traffic)
30% Improve Conversion Rates ~Create/Improve Content & Conversion Rates
30% Business Management ~Administraive tasks

Instead of creating a new list everyday I will create a Master to do list on Friday drop each task into one of the above categories and then start from the top and tackle one task at a time and work on it until it is finished. As new tasks come up I'll add them to the list in the appropriate category.

What I am sure will develop is a "routine" in each category so I'll do the "oe time" task and then do the daily dailies in each category.

To increase productivty I will use a tiimer so that every 90 minutes I am taking a break for 10-20 minutes to stretch, play, walk outside, drink water, whatever

I stumbled upon Matty Thompsons recording of his MLM Goldmine 90 Day is Day 1

I would love to do Wake Productive Home Study Course. Now I have access to Dennis Karganilla's 90 Say Challenge by using this: to search Youtube daily Dennis Karganilla 90 Day Challenge "Day 1"

I can do this daily and then record my activity on that particular day of the challenge.
In fact, for June I haven't decided which project to focus on other than to know "it's not a numbers game". My aim is NOT to get Twitter followers.

I DO intend to go through and implement one of the following:
  1. Wake Up Productive Home Study Course ($)
  2. Dennis Karganilla (time to scour You Tube looking for clues and piecing together what the heck the challenge was-90 steps!)
  3. Darren Rowse (comes in email, one step per day for 31 days)SofiaMiller31Days to Building a BetterBlog (Darren Rowse aka Problogger)
  4. John Chow (downloadable ebook)SofiaMillerJohn Chow's free ebook "How to Make Money Online" ~ top of his sidebar above fold, can't miss it!
  5. Yaro Starak (downloadable multimedia ebook)SofiaMiller~POSSIBLE~ game for June: Yaro's Blog Profits Blueprint ... Read More:
  6. Jeremy Shoemaker (comes in email one chapter per day for 30-90 days I don't remember)
And I do intend to have at least ONE collaborative project with at least one of my TwitterFriends b/c ultimately I do want to have a masterind alliance in the sense of the phrase made famous by Napoleon Hill in The 17 Principles.

At this point I'm leaning towards Yaro Starak's Blogging for Profits plus two niche on migraines and one on interior air quality or some other narrow niche...oh yeah and I want to create an information product...


Juanita said...

This is a good book about air quality. Boy Have I got stories and info for you. Have you ever done Squidoo ? I think that is where you could really excel. Many topics create an new one every day become the greatest Lens Master EVER !!!