6 Step Morning Routine
- Wake Up and Feel Good Invision Future Me
- Drink about 2c/500ml water
- Get Up and Tidy Space
- Brush Teeth & Wash Up
- Exercise
- Plan Day then Take Action
40% Lead Generation ~Putting leads in front of Products (Driving Traffic)
30% Improve Conversion Rates ~Create/Improve Content & Conversion Rates
30% Business Management ~Administraive tasks
Instead of creating a new list everyday I will create a Master to do list on Friday drop each task into one of the above categories and then start from the top and tackle one task at a time and work on it until it is finished. As new tasks come up I'll add them to the list in the appropriate category.
What I am sure will develop is a "routine" in each category so I'll do the "oe time" task and then do the daily dailies in each category.
To increase productivty I will use a tiimer so that every 90 minutes I am taking a break for 10-20 minutes to stretch, play, walk outside, drink water, whatever
I stumbled upon Matty Thompsons recording of his MLM Goldmine 90 Day Challenge...here is Day 1
I would love to do Wake Productive Home Study Course. Now I have access to Dennis Karganilla's 90 Say Challenge by using this: to search Youtube daily Dennis Karganilla 90 Day Challenge "Day 1"
I can do this daily and then record my activity on that particular day of the challenge.
In fact, for June I haven't decided which project to focus on other than to know "it's not a numbers game". My aim is NOT to get Twitter followers.
I DO intend to go through and implement one of the following:
- Wake Up Productive Home Study Course ($)
- Dennis Karganilla (time to scour You Tube looking for clues and piecing together what the heck the challenge was-90 steps!)
- Darren Rowse (comes in email, one step per day for 31 days)SofiaMiller31Days to Building a BetterBlog (Darren Rowse aka Problogger) http://bit.ly/l7QZd
- John Chow (downloadable ebook)SofiaMillerJohn Chow's free ebook "How to Make Money Online" ~ top of his sidebar http://www.johnchow.com/ above fold, can't miss it!
- Yaro Starak (downloadable multimedia ebook)SofiaMiller~POSSIBLE~ game for June: Yaro's Blog Profits Blueprint http://twurl.nl/i0dfti ... Read More: http://is.gd/JfMa
- Jeremy Shoemaker (comes in email one chapter per day for 30-90 days I don't remember)
At this point I'm leaning towards Yaro Starak's Blogging for Profits plus two niche blogs...one on migraines and one on interior air quality or some other narrow niche...oh yeah and I want to create an information product...
This is a good book about air quality. Boy Have I got stories and info for you. Have you ever done Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/lensmasters/jdcr ? I think that is where you could really excel. Many topics create an new one every day become the greatest Lens Master EVER !!!
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