Friday, June 5, 2009

My Life on Twitter


How? USED TO BE day and night in whatever way I could imagine! (That´s righ-- in bed--under the covers even the way my father read comic books after the official¨"lights out" when he was a youngster) lol Yes, there was a period of maybe 2 weeks when I was on Twitter at least 15 hours in every 24! I'd wake up to tweet and fall asleep tweeting! Now, in order to keep my stats attractive to bots and to people, I use TweetLater which allows me to create tons of tweets, then have them automatically released at regular intervals in the time frame I dictate. In this way, on my public time line there is at least one tweet every hour or two, whether I am in the driver's seat or not.

My Twitter Routine 90 minutes
~used to be twice a day and INCLUDE Step (7)~

SET TIMER and START timer (90 minutes)

Check the day's post and write one or more posts for future publication. Tweet the day's new post.

Read the first page of my timeline and make adjustments as needed: e.g. responding with a tweet or with an unfollow & block. Respond to DMs & @SofiaMiller's. Biotweet a few to say TY to pepole who visit the blog, to people who RT my tweets and other followers at random.

Reciprocate all new followers that have yet to be reciprocated automatically.
Flush all non-reciprocating people who may be among the people I am following.

ONLY IF NEEDED: Read and delete all DMs. Respond as appropriate. Read all @SofiaMiller and respond as needed. Do RETWEETS HERE. Done in two clicks.

Tweet 12 health fitness tweets with link

Add about 200 to 400 (the more the better) new people to my "following" list. Listen to music or something educational during the process. (this step I do just once a day) Basically I follow DOUBLE the number that I want to folow me back. If more follow back that's great. I count on 50% however.

UPLOAD the 12 health and fitness tweets tweeted in step (6). And as time permits upload more, fresh tweets. Re-set my automation as might be needed. . Focus on health & fitness. Ideally I'd like to have 24 tweets per day pre-set. On May 28th I was up to 15/day of automated tweets.

Also during this time is opened in the event I'm inclined to write a long response to a tweet.

My Twitter Bio

Having a Twitter bio full of key words is important to attract people and robots looking for twitterers with certain interests. I am a woman of many interests however for the purpose of this account I elected to narrow my interests to health and fitness. This is my current bio.

Fitness Fanatic & Health Nut Guru (in training). Follow me; I'll follow back

  • Short and focused
  • Key words that are true, informative and energetic
  • Promise (an attractive offer)
  • Link to the list of People to Follow on Twitter which is manually updated weekly
I took my picture down and replaced it with a Twitter badge. Now I think a picture related to fitness and health is in order. Could be a picture of me engaged in some activity. But probably I won't use a picture of me because I'd rather not attract people online based on my good looks and/or my gender. ;)


I want to have a Twitter account that attracts followers because having a base of people who want to interact with me, want to hear what me have to say and want to share with me what they have to say is one of the hallmarks of social media and Twitter has become one of the main hubs of social media of late.

I am involved with social media for fun, education (both ways) and for income. Ultimately I am earning an income through my affiliation with specific vendors and products that I like, use and/or want to use.

My Public Timeline & My Use of DMs

It is in my Public Timeline that I place affiliate links at a rate of 2 to 6 per 24 hours. On that timeline I also place quotes of other people, personal thoughts and opinions, links to specific blog posts of mine and of others, BioTweets, ad hoc questions (for feedback which I end up incorpoarting into blog content) and a List of People to Follow on Twitter.

Personally I think my Public Timeline is motivating, engaging and at times both provocative and inspiring.

So my contribution to my Public Timeline is on automatic, kind of. I spend my time filling the machine which belts out the tweets at regular intervals that I pre-dictate. Also I tweet directly to twitter--Step (6) above.

When I go to twitter I clean up my DMs and respond to any DMs and @SofiaMiller items that stimulate response. Sometimes I have been moved to unfollow and block people based on what I found in these places. lol It's all good, Tweeps! I'm just on a mission and some distractions I'd rather not spend the energy ignoring. ;)

I find myself using DMs more and more because I am cultivating relationships am collaborating with individuals in a ways that don't fall into the health & fitness category. My many interests needn't all be represented in my Twitter account!


So my life on Twitter has been considerably streamlined. I love having a routine checklist and opening all the required site tabs in Firefox. I spend 90 minutes in the morning working on Twitter. I was increasing followers in a systematic and partially automated way (topic of an ebook which I am looking to produce this month--to give away) Now my followeers increase because people folow me and I reciprocate (or block, lol). Also I use Twit Pro Quo. (See Twitter Apps in the sidebar if you are not familiar with Twit Pro Quo and you want to be familiar with TwitProQuo)

Generally, I read through 1-2 pages of tweets and respond as so moved. If I find someone's tweeting annoying or offensive I weed them out. No big deal to them and more peace of mind for me. Even though I don't spend a lot of time reading my Public Timeline, I DO contribute LOTS of tweets EVERY DAY both publicly and through DM.

Oh, and did I neglect to mention: Nowadays I flush out pepole who I find myself following but not being followed back. I use InRev TwitIn (bum name, I know. Find InRev TwitIn under Twitter Apps in sidebar if you want.)

What is YOUR life on Twitter like?