Sunday, May 31, 2009

How I Got 5,000 Folllowers in 30 Days

Well, that's the working title and the content is based on my experience this month (May 2009). I opened this account on Apriil 27 and I began this challenge on May 1.

I wantED to write an ebook about my experience and GIVEAWAY for FREE a blueprint that anyone can follow to achieve similar results.

If you are interested in an advaced copy send me an email at mangosofia at yahoo dot com, subect line FREE E BOOK.

I am travelling so there may be a few days lapse the blog updates. In the comments or in tweets to me, feel free to indicate topic you'd like covered in future blog posts. :)

Let's check the numbers at midnight, Mexico City time. Thanks for your generous support.

following 4874 and being followed by 4871 at 11:39pm Short by 129! Not bad but not cigar. So maybe the working title should be
"How I Got 4871 Twitter Followers in ONE Month!"